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Centro Internacional Miranda

Centro Internacional Miranda

Investigar, debatir, participar, protagonizar, revolucionar

On victories and challenges

Publicado en 27 Diciembre 2023, 00:26am

On victories and challenges

Fernando Azpurua Grúber

CIM Research Director

Our people are fortunate to have a Constitution whose article 5 states that "Sovereignty resides untransferably in the people". Article 62 adds that "The Venezuelan people have the right to actively participate in the public affairs of the country and the State has the obligation to facilitate the most favorable conditions for this". Finally, Article 132 states that "popular participation is also a civic duty". In other words, our Constitution consecrates the duty of the citizen to participate in a protagonist manner in the construction of his present and historical future.

According to social constructionism, we can notice how the future is being designed with the political, social and cultural action of the protagonist people, in determined periods of time with cycles that are associated with them. Their transforming processes largely depend on the achievements of their leaders as a product of the political strategies implemented in the leadership of the State. The social construction of history is permanent. It holds certainties and surprises like all human endeavors.

As the year 2023 draws to a close, a very interesting historical space comes to an end. It is now up to historians and other intellectuals to analyze this annual cycle, its achievements, difficulties, challenges and victories. At the Miranda International Center (CIM), by consensus, we consider this period as a year of significant achievements. Among the most important, to name a few, an evident growth of the economy, the consolidation of Peace Diplomacy in facing the problems related to the Guayana Esequiba, the solid political solvency of the leaders, especially that demonstrated in the strategic battles by our President Nicolas Maduro Moros, as well as the diplomatic triumph that led to the liberation of Alex Saab.

The protagonist people, with their political leaders, the people in the role of leadership, have the commitment to face the political, social, cultural and any other kind of challenges for the year 2024. Among them, to continue the construction of the Bolivarian Revolution, to continue advancing to achieve the goals that the political, social and economic dynamics will provide. And against the evident clumsiness of the opposition's improvised politicians, the consolidation of the political force that will allow to continue advancing in the leadership of the destinies of the Homeland.

We must be prepared to face the historic challenges of the near future. To have the certainty that we are moving towards a better country, governed by the people who build progress based on their virtues.  As Alex Saab said when he was returning to this Homeland of Bolivar and Chavez, "Life is a constant miracle". We will keep on victory and overcoming.

 Happy New Year! Big hugs from the CIM.

Translation by Nimar Rodríguez

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